Another summer, come and gone. It was a good one here in the Phoenix Arizona Valley where I live. Unlike last summer which set records for the number of days in which the temperatures exceeded 110 degrees, this summer we had a good number of days where it didn't get over 100 degrees at all! And we got monsoon rain! Woohoo! That is a big deal for people who live here in this part of the desert.
Since last summer was as hot as it was, I really didn't think to hike on the weekends. Why fry, right? This summer I decided early on that I would try to acclimate to the heat a little better and I would hike every weekend. This was no small feat and I learned by trial and error that you really have to make the effort to get out before the sun was overhead. I left a little too late one morning and got caught out in the middle of the mountains with 106 degree heat, no shade and about three miles to walk to get back to my car. Not good. But I learned a lesson and from that weekend and I made sure I was out at or just before sunrise so as to finish before the sun was overhead and the temperatures weren't high enough to bake your brain in your head.
This was a commitment I made to myself, no one paid me and I didn't always have someone out with me so there was no one else to be accountable to. Just me.
So the bigger question is did you let another summer go by and not have accomplished something meaningful to you? Did you do something important to you?
Stop and think about it. Your life goes by one moment at a time and those moments become weeks, months, whole seasons and years. While I largely deal with how your thinking affects your physical condition, it is also true of your relationships and your wealth creation as well. Have you monitored each of those major areas of your life? Did you improve your fitness levels? Did you tighten up the important relationships in your life? Have you taken actions to improve your financial status?
I mention these areas because I hope you want to get the most out of the life God has given you. "I have come that we might live more abundantly", Jesus said. Experiencing that won't simply occur as you just sit there.
Your thoughts will trigger the emotions leading to the behaviors that can lead to experiencing a higher quality life, which is not measured in dollars, but in the quality of your relationships, a meaningful purposeful career, whether it be an entrepreneurial endeavor or a job, and your ability to carry out necessary and enjoyable activities.
Summer 2021 is done. Was it what you hoped for? We have from now until the end of this year to think about what you want. Evaluate your life and ask yourself what you want and more importantly, why. Get to the deeper reasons of why you want to live the Healthy Active Lifestyle. I am inviting you to consider what this could mean for your life... Think about it!
Are you struggling in an ongoing effort to lose weight or get back in shape, and looking for a BREAKTHROUGH to taking the next big step toward your goal?
I am a Certified Mastery Coach and I would be honored to help YOU with that BREAKTHROUGH you've been wanting. Click to get on my calendar, go ahead and do it now!