Spend the Holidays with your loved ones!

It's the start of the Holiday Season...Thanksgiving! In Arizona, where I now live, I have been seeing wintery holiday decorations up all over the place. I'm still not used to it being from the Midwest. There it looks and feels like winter is coming, here in the desert it seems weird seeing allusion to snow and what I would have thought to be "wintery": snowmen, snowflakes, tinsel. But I'm slowly getting used to the idea.

But the most important thing is not escaping me. The relationships we have with our families, and friendships we have forged over the years, these are the important things. God has allowed us to have these relationships to keep us healthy emotionally. There is nothing crazier than the thought of being healthy, which is our usual focus here at Rollback Time Fitness, or having accumulated great wealth, but in the end not have the balance of connection though relationships.

So during this Thanksgiving Holiday, think of the people in your life and how grateful you are for them. Get with them, whether you can safely do it in-person or virtually and connect with them and tell them why you are grateful for that relationship. For some of the people you reach out to, you might be the only person to have done this for them. This is good for us as well as the other person.  Then consider doing that from now until the end of the year! 

Let me know how that is going for you in the comments!  

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If you are struggling in an ongoing effort to lose weight or get back in shape, and fighting what seems to be a losing battle, I have opened my calendar for a free Accelerator Session, so we can talk about where you are now, what's holding you back, and what your goals are. If it seems we can work together you might even decide to become a client! 
  Let's start the New Year out Right!

Tony Morrison
Tony Morrison

Tony is a Certified Mastery Coach and has been involved in fitness since his teen years and continues to run and workout regularly. He is the founder of Rollbacktimefitness.com and has also had a career as a software engineer for over 30 years. Outside of working and staying in shape, Tony enjoys traveling with his wife (and sometimes his three grown kids), outdoor activities and playing guitar.

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