Only the Beginning

Many people are looking to transition from being inactive and out of shape to becoming an active, healthy person. For most people over 40, that will typically start with losing some of the extra pounds they are carrying. Weight gain is probably one of the more common conditions seen with people as they age, usually starting as early as the late twenties, but most commonly in the mid-thirties.

Most people who decide to start down that path may simply not like they way they look as they gain the extra weight. They either don't like the way they look in the mirror or they got the rude awakening when they saw an unflattering photo. It is definitely a minor crisis to say the least. At this point, they may see weight loss as something easily dealt with by just going on "a diet", that is, they will eat less food and drink more diet soft drinks. It is never that simple, nor does it work in the long run.

A healthy, active person over 40 did not find themselves there by accident. Rarely is a person moved simply by the vanity of their appearance as they have gained excess weight. A few may have history of being involved in athletics throughout their early adulthood and it carried through to their 40s and beyond. That however is a small subset of the larger group of people over 40. 

The typical scenario is some level of discomfort caused by the weight gain or the realization of the health challenges affects them at a deep level emotionally. People get jarred emotionally into the reality they need to change. A punch in the gut. It is no longer a superficial "I just got to lose a few pounds" thing anymore. 

If you are at this point, you are starting to make changes. Hopefully you have a trusted doctor and you know how to start acquiring the proper knowledge that leads to you taking effective action. Maybe we can help!

Weight loss might be the beginning part of that journey but it is only the beginning. 

Imagine the confidence you will gain as you lose those pounds. Perhaps YOUR choice to change will open your eyes to a different future. Maybe working with less pain or no pain. Maybe getting back into dancing again. Maybe playing with those young grandkids. Maybe running your first 5K since you turned 40, or maybe in your life!

This may not only include physical activities. Could this newfound sense of power let you see a new career path or even new romance? The simple decision you have made will let you see a different path for your life. For some it will be a big beginning, as mastering your weight and fitness will give you so many possibilities.

It does start with a choice.  A decision. And weight loss for many of you will be only the start.

Where are you in this journey? Comment below and let's have this conversation! 

Are you struggling in an ongoing effort to lose weight or get back in shape, and looking for a BREAKTHROUGH to taking the next big step toward your goal? 

I am a Certified Mastery Coach and I would be honored to help YOU with that BREAKTHROUGH you've been wanting.  Click to get on my calendar, go ahead and do it now!  

Tony Morrison
Tony Morrison

Tony is a Certified Mastery Coach and has been involved in fitness since his teen years and continues to run and workout regularly. He is the founder of and has also had a career as a software engineer for over 30 years. Outside of working and staying in shape, Tony enjoys traveling with his wife (and sometimes his three grown kids), outdoor activities and playing guitar.

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